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Workout With Me- HIIT Workout

I thought I would share with you guys my HIIT workout because it's quick and super effective. It's perfect for the days when you just don't have time for a full workout. It last about 15-20 minutes.

Start off with some light stretching because your going to be moving quite a bit, then we move into the exercises:

60 Seconds Running on the spot

60 Second High knees

60 Second Jumping jacks

60 Second Burpees

60 Second Mountain Climbers

30 Second Rest

60 Second High Knees

60 Second Jump Squats

60 Second Inside Out Squats (Jump)

60 Second Ski Jumps

30 Second Rest

60 Second Running on the spot

60 Second High Knees

60 Second Jumping jacks

60 Second Burpees

60 Second Mountain Climbers

(You can repeat the middle set again if you have time)

Aspire To Inspire Before We Expire

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