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Inspiration and Music

Sometimes I have no idea what to write about. There are so many things I could write about but I have no inspiration to write about any of them. Then it hits me, why write about anything when I can write about nothing. Just about how on a daily basis I try and find inspiration to write about something. Sometimes I stare at a blank screen for hours, sometimes I walk around aimlessly till I find something inspiring and sometimes I just start randomly typing until a theme develops.

"Don't waste time waiting for inspiration, start working and inspiration will find you"

There are many things you can do to try and find inspiration. Sometimes I hit the gym, sometimes I just listen to music. Often music helps, it speaks to us in a way that words alone can't. We find peace in the rhythms and beats and vibe to what speaks to us. We connect with different lyrics and tunes because they connect with us. Everyone has a different story that not everyone understands, but out there somewhere there is a song that resonates with our stories. That's the beauty of music, it can mean anything to anyone at anytime; There is a song for everything. Is there a song that specifically inspires you? That speaks to you so deeply you feel like you can do anything when you listen to it or that empowers you when you hear it.

For me that song is "One Last Moment" By Hi-Rez. He is an up-coming rapper that I know will make it big because each one of his songs speaks so close to the heart. There all about struggles that regular everyday people have, and experiences that this rapper has had and overcome. His music is strictly for the fans and not intended to just get famous. I saw him in concert not to long ago and it was a life changing experience. He was just so happy to be up on stage singing for us, rapping for us. You don't see that often with big named stars, there job becomes a chore not just something they love to do.

So listen to the song that inspires you, get up everyday and do what inspires you because life is to short to not live an inspired life. Put your best foot forward and attack every challenge with the most inspired attitude you can. Hell even inspire others, because inspired people can achieve the impossible.

Aspire To Inspire Before We Expire

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