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Again With The Diet??

So last year I made a post and ya I'm not gonna lie I was kind of freaking out about it. What post was that you ask? "Why I hate the word diet". To this day I still relate to that post. Everywhere I go I get questionable looks and smug comments about what I choose to eat. It was the other day that really got me however. One of my friends, I have know since back in high school, sent me a message; It was in respond to a picture I posted. She said "Wow you still look great and I can see your still dieting, how have you managed to keep with it all this time". I know the message was intended to be a compliment but it's that word "Diet" that really gets to me. I have never nor will I ever go on a diet. I don't even count my calories (frankly I'm just to lazy to). Since I eat healthy meals and snacks however, people always assume I'm on a diet. Healthy eating is my lifestyle choice. I don't do it to stay skinny and fit, I do it because frankly I feel like crap when I eat junk food. When I eat healthy I feel more awake, I have more energy and I love to run and when I eat healthy I always have a better run. I don't like feeling sluggish and tired all the time. I still enjoy treats like cookies and ice cream (Especially smokey bbq kettle chips, Yummm) because I do enjoy them in moderation. I don't count calories or meal prep or monitor my intake times(Whatever that means). I just eat when I'm hungry and I choose to make healthy meals and snacks. So before you go assuming someone eating a salad or quinoa is on a diet, maybe consider trying a few of these foods and seeing how you feel after. I can guarantee you will feel a lot better physically and mentally. You don't need to go on a diet or workout obsessively to feel good. Try substituting some good foods for some of your unhealthier choices. Your body. mind and people like me who are sick of being called "dieters" will thank you!

Aspire To Inspire Before We Expire

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